Hey guys..sooo im in my last hour of work..before Party time..I can't wait and i kno you guys are probably wondering why im sooo exciting Ash you always go out..This is true..but each time is something different.and i have some NEW friends that i cant't wait to SWAG SURF and sip on sompin pretty with them!Its always fun to party with new and fun people...and they seem like fun...EXC ITED MUCH YUUUP!we seem to be pretty similar..already have inside jokes..ohhh man..u know me and inside jokes with people.But they have made my day pass by sooooo fast...like i havent even been noticing the time until just now....while i have this quiet time im tryin to think what to wear tonight???MOST DEF BLACK not sure of a black skirt dress skirt gosh...what color to do my nails..can't wait to take this multi-color polish off i totally was no thinkin about CARIBANA when i painted them...and that' all errBODY seems to be sayin ohh Ash very festive..umm hello i did not do my nails for this weekend..imma paint them somethin sooo far fetch from the festive colors..lol im kiddin..but
guyss im off like in 5 4 3 2 1
ashleynicole is ready for the weekend....if you see me acting a fool im blamin it on the......
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